Specializing in PA-46 aircraft.
Captain for a U.S. Airline, piloting 757 and 767 aircraft
Jon Haron has dedicated over fifteen years of his career to Vision Air as a committed pilot and instructor, specializing in each of the Piper PA-46 and the Beechcraft King Air aircraft.
His flight operations range from IFR System, Low Level Terrain Following, Over-Water Operations, and Mountain Flying, conducted both domestically and internationally.
Meet Jon, Your Instructor
Jon is a highly accomplished pilot and instructor with Vision Air. Jon, with his dedication and expertise, has been serving the aviation industry for over fifteen years. He specializes in PA-46 aircraft and has operated more than 30 different types of aircraft worldwide.

Jon’s Qualifications:
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Single & Multi Engine Land
Type Ratings: BE300, CE500 (SIC), CE525S, CE680, DA50, BD500, 757, and 767
Certified Flight Instructor(CFI, CFII, MEI) Single and Multi-Engine Instrument Airplane
Remote Pilot- Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Instrument Ground Instructor (IGI)
Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI)
First Class Medical
Passionate About Aviation
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